Are pilots taking performance testing off the critical path?

Posted on June 25th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

A trend I am seeing in solution delivery these days is piloting. With piloting, New functionality can be slowly ramped up in production, or more importantly, ramped down when problems occur.

This detaches performance testing from specific release dates. Essentially the application is regression tested with all new functionality disabled, reducing the amount of testing required to go live. New functionality can be switched on after adequate testing.

As testing has always been the accordion in the SDLC band, making a lot of noise as it’s time line is squashed, this is probably a good thing.

Personally, I am a fan of this style of development. I have seen too many organizations push ahead with releases regardless of testing coverage. This approach allows project managers, vendors and stakeholders to achieve their launch dates without the front page horrors.

Web Browser Comparisons Explained

Posted on June 19th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

A comparison of some popular web browsers by Joseph B. on OS X Daily.

web browser comparisons explained

While I always appreciate a good bashing of Internet Explorer, and I have seen Firefox get bogged down with too many plug-ins, there are a few that I highly recommend.

And when using high-resolution monitors,  I always install NoSquint.

Launch pages aren’t extinct after all

Posted on June 1st 2010 by Joel Deutscher

Why HP? Why?

I thought the whole idea of launch pages didn’t make it past the millenium?

LoadRunner not accepting cookies on HTTP 302 redirect

Posted on May 25th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

cookiesI recently came across a problem with trying to record a login to a website. After posting my login credentials, I received a 302 redirect that contained several Authentication cookies. Unfortunately, LoadRunner was not recognising the cookies and the subsequent page redirected me back to the login page.

As login was obviously working in the browser, I recorded a clean session using the fabulous Firebug. Now that I was able to directly compare the HTTP headers. It quickly became evident that the reason was that LoadRunner wasn’t reading the entire 302 Header. Time to pull out Firebug.
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Performance Testing Oracle via JDBC with LoadRunner – Basics

Posted on May 18th 2010 by Joel Deutscher

This post discusses a method for testing Oracle via a JDBC connection, to simulate application interaction with the database. It is designed as an introduction to get you started, where you take it from there is up to you.

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